Konfigurasi FlyCCcam
Source: http://www.forumsatelit.com/index.php/topic,782.msg176359/topicseen.html#msg176359 [cccam][C: host port user pass] #masukkan cline anda disini c: xxx.xxx.org 1200 flydahli flydahli1 [main] Enable=1 ShowOnStart=1 PMTTimeOut=5 ECMTimeOut=5 port:80 [MainWnd] left=535 top=245 bottom=523 right=1007 [confing] #Preferred CA system #P:CAID:PROVID #P:CAID:PROVID:SID #Ignore CA #I:CAID:PROVID #if PROVID=FFFFFF mean Ignore all CAID #I:CAID:PROVID:SID #for example #I:0500:031D00 #Ignore 0500:031D00 #I:0500:FFFFFF #Ignore all which CAID=0500 #i:0500:031D00:0001 #Ignore 0500:031D00 #Rename #R:CAID1:PROVID1:SID1:CAID2:PROVID2:SID2 #for example #R:1833:0:FFFF:1702:0:FFFF #Rename 1833:00000000 to 1702:00000000, FFFF is all sid #R:1803:0:0002:1702:0:0002 #Rename 1833:00000000 to 170...