Openbox S4 LED Merah Only
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Daleman Openbox S4 - clone box |
Peralatan Untuk Memperbaiki Boot Openbox S4 |
Ohhh tidakkk! Ternyata kali ini kasusnya beda. Si OB S4 beneran mengalami penyakit seperti yang teman-teman lain alami. Ah, saya pikir saya ini terlalu arogan dengan bikin status galau di FB pengen liat bagaimana OB S4 mati suri (seperti biasa, ternyata Tuhan Yang Maha Mendengar langsung merespon kata-kata saya itu), Yaa Allah ampuni lah dosa hamba.
Semoga tidak terulang |
Pusing juga karena ini yang pertama saya alami. Bolak-balik Forsat, nggk dapat jawaban yang memuaskan. Akhirnya nyampe ke tetangga (Malaysia), ternyata di sana malah lebih rame yang kena masalah serupa. Ada harapan pikir saya. Setelah tanya-tanya, dan praktek langsung, akhirnya mau juga si OB bangkit kembali dan led hijau pun mulai muncul berkedip seiring dengan si merah. Porter juga sudah merespon. Thank you teman-teman, terkhusus bro Rizfield dengan 'tunjuk ajar' yang simple tapi 'berkesan'.
Ok, berikut langkah-langkah yang dilakukan ya! (kata orang ilmu itu untuk dibagi, jangan pelit-pelit).
Kabel RS-232 beserta boardnya (di paket pembeliannya ada tuh disertakan, kalo nggk ada ya tagih sama yang jual, hehehe... peace!).
Download Toolsnya
Step by step:
- Colokin RS-232 + Board ke Rx dan ujung satunya ke PC
- Colokin kabel listrik (adaptor) untuk meng-ON-kan Openbox S4
- Bila diperlukan, buka file "s6flash_erase_all.exe". Sepertinya step ini hanya optional. Proses erase ini katanya perlu menunggu 2 sampai 5 menit, nyatanya "unlimited time" bos. Tutup aja kalo udah mencapai 300 detik.
- Jika proses erase sudah selesai, matikan RX, lalu ON kan kembali.
- Setelah itu buka file "UPDATES29GL256P.exe". Pilih file "s4 boot.bin", lalu klik "UPDATE".
- Pastikan ada proses "erase" di sini (tampil hanya beberapa detik), setelah itu akan muncul proses "write". Untuk proses "write" itu sendiri kadang terhenti di sekian persen (%), cara mengatasinya dengan menekan "UPDATE" berulang sampai proses "write" ini berjalan normal (di kisaran 16% maka proses akan complete). Oh iya, salah satu penyebab proses "write" terhenti karena terlalu banyak program running di Windows bos. Jadi, tutup semua aplikasi yang tidak perlu, cukup jalankan UPDATES29GL256P saja sampai selesai.
- Jika sudah complete, tutup aplikasi. Cabut kabel adaptor, lalu colokin lagi. Perhatikan sekarang LED Merah udah berkedip-kedip kayak cowok lagi ngegodain cewek. Hehehe!
- Silakan di-Porter! Gunakan software dari Openbox S4 karena reseller ID secara otomatis udah dikembalikan ke Openbox S4. Coba saja pake software bulan Mei 2012.
Log Putty saat Openbox S4 RED LED ONLY |
Erase All |
Update Openbox S4 Boot |
Update Openbox S4 Boot Done |
Pinout Board-232
Thanks to bro Anonymous (who ever you're, thank you bro)
Terimakasih atas perkongsian ini, semoga bermanfaat kepada semua. sabtu ini jangan lupanya AFF SUZUKI 2012 MAL vs INA. :)
ReplyDeletesipppp... sama-sama bro... moga yg terkena error Red Led Only bisa sembuh.
Deleteiya, harus nonton nih... ^_^
sama-sama ya dong sokongin pasukan sendiri yahooooo.....
ReplyDeletemas. tolong buatin cara membangun home sharing menggunakan s4. alat dan bahan tlg di cantumkan jg.
waduh, yg ini saya blom bisa mas, kartu saya kena pairing, tapi peralatan mungkin cukup:
Delete- Router
- OSCam
itu aja udah cukup.
Thanks Budiarno fixed my Openbox S4
ReplyDeleteThat's great, you're welcome bro Rojul.
DeleteThere's a rumour that openbox s4 is facing a time bomb, and we're suggested to use software before November 2012. But I would like to try again using v2.11.16 and up just to make sure.
I suspect one IP that lead to South Korea, could be the attack run from.
Oh thanks for that Budiarno , i am running Openbox v2.11.21 at the moment , would that be save to use ?
Deletegoing well so far !
So far so good.. I'm running that one too.
DeleteHi Budiarno
DeleteNow my Openbox S4 does not do any thing any more , does not respond at all , red light just stays on and thats it really . I tried all different fixes but nothing works , completely dead :) . do you think there is one or other way still to recover the receiver ?
thanks Rojul
There's some info that fortis timebomb has attacked more than the previously done, even the Fixed Red Light II can't solve this problem.
DeleteI don't have a clue by now, I also got one of my friend's box with the same problem as yours. It can't read its flash memory at all. If only there's a way to JTAG this box. It's the only hope bro!
Hi budiarna thanks for your reply , My S4 still doing nothing ,
DeleteDo you think there would be a fix for it soon ?
Thanks Rojul
I don't have a clue bro, but I hope so, there must be a way to fix this problem.
Deletethank's bro good solution....tapi porter gak jalan"....
Deleteporter nggk jalan tinggal nyari2 software yg cocok aja... dicoba berulang..
DeleteHi Budiarno Have you found any solution yet bro ?
DeleteStill red light problem cant do any thing :(
Thanks Rojul
When I finish "fix red light software II" and do the last one the "28 pin secret renewaes" it finishes with the green light on , but when I restart Openbox S4 back to red light .
DeleteFix Red light software II does work sofar but not fixing OB S4
Fix red light software I does not respond at all to OB S4
Seems the flash chip has been damaged. But, one of friend says he can solve the problem by updating the software as we do on updating the Loader.
DeletePut the image v2.09.35. (2011 Aug 11) on a flashdisk, plug the flashdisk, press CH UP, turn on the receiver, hold on and wait for about 8 to 10 seconds (receiver reads the flashdisk), then let the receiver process the update until it finishes for about 20 minutes.
But, I haven't done it myself as my S4 by now still in good condition (I have been in red light for three times), I use Titan + Enigma2 at this moment.
I tried it but does not do any thing , it does not recognise usb stick ! Might try it with porter later on
DeleteThanks Rojul
NO not with porter either !
DeleteOnly Fix red light software II seems to responding to OB S4 but not fixing it eh !
Thanks and regards Rojul
Oh no, no more clue I think. That's all what I know by now bro.
Deletei have a friend box with the same problem as rojul..
Deleteonly responded to fix red light 2
telnet in, blank!
any more ideas?
saya sudah mencoba gak ada perbezaan sama aja..
ReplyDeleteMantab Pak Maxx,
ReplyDeletemuter2 cari tutornya akhirnya ketemu juga disini :)
Salam, BlueB
saya sudah coba, tapi kenapa gak bisa ya??? waktu di update progresnya gak jalan2 padahal port dah sukses terhubung.
ReplyDeletecoba "read flash" nya apa mau dia baca nya? klo nggk kebaca kemungkinan flash nya rusak...
Deletesudah dicoba sukses semua, tapi sampai di point 7 kok lampu merahmya gak kedip kedip ya pak maxx
Deletewahhh... apa kena serangan yg berbeda ya? pake versi yg mana S4 nya?
Deletecara porter gimana mas berapa lama kita habiskan waktu
ReplyDeletebuka porter, pilih file yg akan kita load ke S4, lalu klik "Download", baru kita hidupkan S4 nya (colok kabel)... tunggu sampai selesai (complete).
Deletedi PC jadul saya rata-rata 30 menit.... hehehe...
Saya sudah menjalankan tools diatas, tapi pada saat tombol update ditekan, progres gak jalan, begitu pula jika menggunakan porter,sepertinya antara PC dan RX gak ada komunikasi.
ReplyDeleteIndikasi sementara, ada yg kena red led sampe flash nya nggk bisa di-read... alhasil nggk bisa di-update boot.bin nya.
DeleteWah, kayaknya S4 ku udah gak bisa tertolong lagi nih
ReplyDeleteudah pake berbagai tool tetap aja gak mau siuman
sementara dikandangin dulu, nunggu sampai ada
solusi yang jitu
saya pun kena juga ni....guna S6, stepnya sama kan....langsung tiada komunakasi antara komputer dengan Rx
Deletemohon ada sesiapa boleh bantu?
ReplyDeletepada dasarnya software yg digunakan di atas untuk S6, tapi nggk tau apakah boot.bin nya akan cocok dgn S6...
DeleteMas...saya udah coba n sukses semua, sudah tiga kali kena kt falsh ulang lansung lancar....
ReplyDeletekali ini kena lagi saya coba lagi...sekarang mentok proses UPDATES29GL256P file boot.bin tidak mau writing...
gimana solusinya mas...terima kasih
yg ini yg saya kawatirkan ketika saya kena untuk ketiga kali... sehingga saya langsung ganti software pake Enigma...
Deletemasih bisa dibaca nggk flashnya pake "readallflash"? klo nggk bisa, harapan semakin tipis untuk disembuhkan.
proses "readallflash" nya jalan sampai selesai, cuman proses selanjutnya mentok, update boot.bin ndak jalan.
Deletegimana kalau kita renewcon, apa masih bisa dilanjutkan? kalau proses renewcon berjalan degn baik maksudnya file flash.bin terbaca dengan baik, gimana proses selanjutnya. Terima kasih
klo update nya nggk jalan, coba tutup semua aplikasi yg ada kecuali software untuk update ini... lalu pencet2 aja tombol Update sampe bar nya jalan...
Deletesoluse PERMANENT RED LIGHT, setelah ikut langkah di atas update firmware rilis terbaru 11 jan 2013
dijamin sembuh total dech
Does not work for me!
DeleteMasa si, jangan2 kalo yg tanggung bisa koid sekalian ...
DeleteHello my friends.
ReplyDeleteMy openbox S4 have the same problem the box not reboot This are the steps wat i did>
First de tool readallflash and did ereas all normaly it takes 2 till 5 minutes but by me it doesn,t stop , so after 1 hour i stopt the ereas tool.
Then i used UPDATES29GL256P and flashed the s4 boot in the box.
Then I used renewcon and put in s4c_13j28_isp with succes.
After that i put new software FAC.S4 HD PVR.v2.11.34.2013Jan11.ird that takes also almost 1 hour , but at the and the software was in de reciever.
Then reboot but nothing happens the same problem again.
Is there anybody ho knows wat I did wrong?
Many thanks .
Please try press power button on the remote control, or plug out and in again the power adaptor.
Deleteom boleh tanya untuk type atau serie berapa ic flash openbox s4 ini.
please can some one give shematic of Board 232, because i hav'nt this board, frontage and rear pictures
ReplyDeletePlease i am waiting you help and reply
2-6 3-4 5-5 pinout Board 232
ReplyDeleteplease shematic of Board 232.
How to link by cable
I have updated my post on the last paragraph with suggested by Anonymous comment on how to Board-232. Here it is:
DeletePinout Board-232
But I haven't tested this scheme by myself. Please have a test and give feedback.
Yes you Experimentation
ReplyDeleteCable 2-3 3-2 5-5
Cable is not used Pinout Board-232
F 5-M 5
F 3-M 4
Lost BOOT do not accept anything
my box openbox s6 pro
Did not work with me probably the jtag
If possible, explained
Have you tried ReadAllFlash software? If it does not respond to this software, probably the box needs JTAG. And, regarding JTAG How To, I'm not capable of explaining this bro. I haven't tried JTAG as I don't have the USB JTAG cable for this. If you registered member of ForumSatelit.Com, you may search for a member nickname: doejhon who have successfully JTAG-ed his dead Openbox and he shared the step by step how to.
Deletepinout null modem cable:
DeleteReceiver Female
2 3
3 2
5 5
9 9
- 6+1
use RS232 tool from here
Yes tried it did not work
ReplyDeleteThank you for your help so much
God bless you
I wish I could help you more, but really sorry I don't know much about JTAG procedure. Wish you luck and get help from someone expert somewhere.
ReplyDeleteCoba dilog pake Putty lewat kabel RS232 nya bro. Nanti keliatan error di mananya.
Deleteada tulisan Re55..Re54..dst..Re51...restart...kembali ke Re55...trus nggak bisa ada apa ya mz.......thx